"I bought my picture after a visit to Fadwa's studio. I completely fell in love with the painting of a girl from the series “These Are Their Tears".
She described the painting for me, and I experienced the same feelings. It’s highly relevant these days, thinking of the conflict going on in the world." Sol Kari Onarheim Norway |
"Lo compré porque es mi granito de arena para concienciar al mundo de que la guerra no nos sirve para el acercamiento de los pueblos. De las influencias entre los pueblos siempre sale algo bueno y hay que luchar por esto."
Merche, Spain "I bought it because it is my small contribution to raise awareness in the world that war does not help bring peoples closer together. From the influences between peoples, something good always comes out, and we must fight for this." |
"I fell in love with these pieces the moment I saw them. I’m a big lover of the sea and they evokes memories of my childhood on Mediterranean shores where the deep blues and brilliant greens merged together. The unusual composition, soothing colors and contrasting textures continue to spark memories of joy, peace and love in me every time I look at them."
Kathy Niewiadomska, USA |
Nada más verlo me impactó y supe al instante que deseaba tenerlo, no podía dejar de mirarlo. El color es vibrante, transmite fuerza, energía, en equilibrio con una imagen de mirada dulce pero valerosa que comunica totalmente lo que la artista quería comunicar.
Gracias Fadwa por obras como estas! Lola, Callosa d'en Sarria (Translation: As soon as I saw it, I was shocked and I knew instantly that I wanted to have it, I couldn't stop looking at it. The color is vibrant, it transmits strength, energy, in balance with an image with a sweet but courageous look that totally communicates what the artist wanted to communicate. Thank you Fadwa for works like these!) |